Friday, October 22, 2010

Oops, I forgot about these sketches.

Bathala and his vessel. If you can squint hard enough, you'll see Bathala is digging his fingers into the vessel's eyesockets.

Moses Martelino, possibly in his early twenties at this point. He's such a charming young man. <3 

Noah and Honor in the first novel. And, uh. I forgot to draw in Honor's hair. 

Honor again! Every time I draw him, he just gets manlier and manlier. For those of you just tuning in, yes, that is a rosary tattoo on his right arm and hand. The cuff on his wrist acts as a more subtle collar. Honor got totally pwnd.

Joshua Martelino, our protagonist's older brother and possibly the story's creepiest character. For reasons you will have to read for yourself. 

Noah in his early twenties, being pensive.

Someone asked me what kind of thoughts go on in Joshua's mind. The answer is: No, there are no thoughts. At least, no thoughts that could be encompassed in words. Joshua is a man who thinks in images and in sound. His mindscape would be a desert in twilight, with no wind and no trace of life. 

Some of you were wondering what the status was of The Mourning Son's cast monsterpiece. Well, there we go. Have switched things around and pretty much gotten an arrangement I like better. Also updated some of their looks, most notably Moses' and Joshua's.

A couple I really should be drawing more of. Hitman Raphael Zen Isobel and his girlfriend Samantha Ventarbre. I really need to get around to writing more of this adorable couple with Poet.

And obligatory guroshota who, uh, kind of looks like Moses. This was unintentional, I swear. I'll probably be finishing this thing up in time for Valentine's Day, so that all of you can have a creepy and possibly inappropriate card to give to your lovers.

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