For those of you not in the know, here's a little overview of what my story's about:
The war was won. Well, that's what they said at the time at least. The mightiest heroes had struck down the villain, the cloud of tyranny was dispelled from the land. Fairy tale stuff. All that was missing was the happy ending.
It never happened.
For every cause, there is an effect. When a tyrant had legions of monsters under his rule, and you killed him, well. Things kind of go downhill from there. Untethered, the big bad monsters wrecked havoc on the land. Villages were wiped off the face of the map, kingdoms crumbled. The waters ran red with blood and the heavens shook with the screams. And suddenly, humans didn’t feel that mighty anymore.
But they didn’t give up either. Even while reeling from The War, from The Crisis, humans forced themselves to stand and take arms. To drive the monster scum back and snuff their existence. And it worked, for the most part.